While all Hillcrest employees are expected to attend to matters of safety and security, and while the Board of Directors and the President/CEO are ultimately responsible for safety at Hillcrest, the following persons and groups are responsible for the implementation and monitoring of the Safety Management Plan.
1. Agency level
At the agency level, safety management is the responsibility of the agency Director of Quality Assurance and the Hillcrest Senior Management Team, which is comprised of Senior Managers, Program Directors and department heads.
2. Campus/program level
At the campus/program level, safety management is the responsibility of the campus Program Director, and their delegates (including other campus administrators and the direct care Supervisors who run shifts each day), and campus Environment of Care Committees. Campus Environment of Care Committees are multi-disciplinary groups that meet at least six times each year with a focus on safety and security in the environment of care. The campus Environment of Care Committee reports to the campus’ IOP Committee, which is comprised of the campus’ multidisciplinary leadership and which is focused on systematically improving care, treatment and general operations, including environment of care. The Environment of Care Committee regularly reports to the IOP Committee, which in turn reports quarterly and annually to the Senior Management and the Board of Directors on performance issues, including safety and security.