All HEC staff, especially Youth Development Professional and teaching staff, are instructed in their responsibility for the safety of the students, are required to report safety hazards, and are asked to make recommendations to the appropriate administrator for accident prevention.

A. All Serious Injuries or Accidents are reported to a supervisor, thoroughly investigated and documented, and reviewed by the Program Director/Program Manager or his/her designee. Copies of these reports are sent to the appropriate regional office of DESE.

In the event of a major illness or emergency medical treatment, parents and / or guardian are to be notified as soon as possible by telephone by the nurse administrator and/or attending physician. In the event that the parents cannot be reached immediately by telephone, a nurse or administrator may send the local police to their home. By phone or telegram, the parents should be informed of the nature or circumstances of the illness or injury and the student’s medical treatment explained. In life-threatening situations, where no parent or guardian is available, the physician or school administrator must take responsibility for decision-making.

B Fire Emergencies (Please see Fire Evacuation Emergencies & Fire Drills, this section.)

C. Staffing Shortages
See Mandatory Overtime section below.