No potentially dangerous objects (i.e., matches, lighters, volatile substances, glass bottles or items made of glass, weapons) are allowed on Hillcrest campuses. Individuals in charge of activities must ensure that all objects, i.e., scissors, knives, tools, glass, keys, etc. are inventoried at the completion of each activity and secured in a designated locked area. If it is found that a dangerous object is missing the following measures will be taken.

A. The administrator on duty is to be notified immediately with all available information.

B. Upon notification, the administrator will organize a campus-wide search for the missing object, beginning with the most logical sites. Students and staff who might have information related to the missing object will be interviewed as soon as possible. If necessary and with reasonable cause, a specific student or students, and their personal space areas (e.g., bedrooms, common areas) will be subject to search. (Also see procedures on Contraband Searches above.)

C. If the dangerous object is not located during the search, the administrator on duty will draft a memo to be distributed to all staff describing the object and the time and location of the disappearance. This memo will be posted in a central location.

D. Staff members on subsequent shifts will be notified promptly of the missing object at the commencement of their shift by the supervisor (e.g., during Stand Up).

E. The investigation of the disappearance of a dangerous object will continue until the object has been found or until the Program Director/Program Manager or his/her designee concludes the investigation.