Drug testing will occur according to the treatment plan, or as ordered by the physician based on the recommendations/outcome of the clinical assessment process. Once consent is obtained, nursing staff will complete the mouth swabs and urine collection for testing. If students do not return to campus when there is a nurse on campus, the supervisor on duty will obtain and store the specimens as instructed.

General Procedure:
When a student has been identified in need of drug testing, the following process must occur prior to drug testing:
1. The Clinical Department will notify the Nursing Department of the assessed need for drug screening and what drugs should be included in the screening panel.
2. The psychiatrist or the pediatrician will be notified by nursing or clinical, and if in agreement, an order will be written for the specific drugs that the student will be tested for.
3. The Clinical Department will notify the parent/guardian of the findings and recommendations from the Substance Use/Abuse Screen and obtain consent from the guardian for any drug testing that has been recommended. The guardian and/or primary family contact will also be informed of the process.
4. The Clinical Department will inform the Nursing Department when consent has been given for drug testing.

Procedure for Drug Testing Using the Mouth Swab Technique:
Testing for alcohol levels use the mouth swab technique.
1. Requires a timer or watch with a second hand.
2. Student should not have anything in his/her mouth 15 minutes prior to testing.
3. Open test package. Remove strip.
4. Student should place the padded part of the strip into his/her mouth.
5. Immediately set timer for 4 minutes.
6. At 10 seconds, remove from mouth and shake off excess saliva into the sink or paper towel.
7. At 4 minutes, observe the results. A bold colored line indicates a positive test result.
8. Please note the results obtained after 5 minutes are unreliable.

Procedure for Drug Testing Using Urine Collection:
Drugs that require a urine collection are:
Amphetamines, Cocaine, Phencyclidine, benzodiazepines, Methadone, barbiturates and tricyclic antidepressants, alcohol .
1. Instruct the student to wash their hands before collection and after collection.
2. Instruct the student to remove the cap to the urine collection container, without sticking their fingers into the container.
3. Instruct the student to start to urinate before collecting the urine in the container.
4. Please make sure the student’s name, date, and time is on the container before putting it into the refrigerator.
5. Make sure a note is left for the nurse coming on in the morning indicating that urine is in the refrigerator.

Procedure After Testing is Complete:
1. Nursing will forward a copy of the test results in the form of personal notification to the administrative staff, supervisor on duty, and the appropriate clinician within 24 hours after testing. This can be via e-mail, voice mail or in person.
2. The student’s clinician, or designee, will notify the guardian and/or primary family contact of the outcome of the test.
3. Nursing will clearly note the results in a log for future identification and date of the test for the student.
4. The psychiatrist and the rest of the treatment team will be notified within 7 days.

All drug tests are sent to a third party for confirmatory testing.

Procedure if Student Returns to Campus After a Home Leave With Physical Symptoms With Suspicion of Drug Use:
On the occasion when a student returns to a campus with physical evidence of substance abuse, i.e., elevated vital signs, altered mental state, and there is suspect of drug use:
1. Nursing will do an assessment noting the student’s physical state, and if a consent is in place do a drug test. The student will be transferred to the ER for further evaluation and possible treatment if deemed necessary.
2. If nursing is not on campus, the supervisor on duty will call nursing and with consultation of the administrator on call send the student to the emergency room for further evaluation.