Medication Errors, including Omissions, are documented on the Nursing Occurrence Form.
The following medication errors are tracked:
- wrong medications (a medication not prescribed by a physician).
- wrong dosages (for medication prescribed by a physician, a dosage not prescribed by a physician is administered; higher or lower than prescribed).
- omissions/missed medications (medications prescribed by a physician but not administered).[1]
Data is tracked for the month and the quarter. Comparisons are made with the previous quarter and the same quarter in the previous year.
Monthly and ongoing.
One Nurse at each campus is designated to manage Med Error data. He/she tallies the data from the Nursing Occurrence Forms, enters the data on the computerized Med Tracking form, and send the data/Med Tracking form to the IS Director within 7 working days after the end of each month.
By the 20th day of the first month following each quarter, the IS Director issues a quarterly report on the Med Error Measure. Current quarter data is compared with the data from the previous quarter and with data from the same quarter from the previous year.
The Program Manager provides interpretation of the quarterly data.
The campus IOP Committee is responsible for overseeing the Medication Error Performance Measure.
The IOP insures that 1) Med Errors are being documented and the associated data is being managed according to HEC procedures; 2) the Med Error data is reported to the IS Director and reported according to the schedule required by HEC procedures.
[1] Omissions do NOT include instances during which student refuse medication. These are classified as “Refusals”.