Staff Statements:

1) When an internal investigation requires a statement from a staff member(s), he/she should be given a Formal Witness Statement Form for completion.

2) A supervisor or campus administrator MUST review the statement prior to dismissing the staff member to assure that the all required information is obtained.

3) If the statement is poorly written or illegible, it must be written again. If a staff member is unable to produce an intelligible, legible statement, the supervisor or campus administrator must interview the staff member along with another manager. The interview must be documented and signed by all parties present.

4) If a staff member is currently on shift, the statement must be obtained PRIOR his/her dismissal or suspension.

5) The investigator will determine whether or not to call an off-duty staff member in for a statement or wait until his/her next scheduled shift.

6) If an investigator requires additional information, he/she will interview the staff member with another manager present. All interviews must be documented and signed by all parties present.

Student Statements:

1) When an internal investigation requires a statement from a student, the statement must be obtained in an interview conducted by the investigator or designated campus administrator with a member of the clinical department present as determined by the Program Director/Program Manager and/or Lead Clinician.

2) Documented Interviews must be signed by both adults present.

3) If an investigator requires additional information, he/she will re-interview the student with the same clinical staff present in the initial interview whenever possible.

4) Upon learning of an allegation or incident that may require an internal investigation, staff and supervisors are NOT to conduct their own interviews with the students. Supervisors may ask the student a few exploratory questions in order to obtain the information needed to begin an investigation (i.e. who, where, when), but should refrain from probing into the details of the allegation or incident.