Like many behavioral healthcare agencies, and particularly those operating multiple, small residential treatment programs for children, Hillcrest chooses to minimize the number of staff to whom clinical responsibilities are accorded in order to maintain simple structures, efficient administrative procedures and close supervision of the treatment of children.

Effective October 27, 2006, Hillcrest authorizes clinical responsibilities for the positions listed below.

The criteria and responsibilities associated with each of these positions are attached as separate documents.


As noted, Hillcrest chooses to minimize the number of privileged positions in order to maintain simple structures, efficient administrative procedures and close supervision of the treatment of children. Similarly, simple and efficient Peer Review procedures are employed, while insuring the high level of professional competence and work by privileged staff, as well as full compliance with accreditation and regulatory standards.

1. Pediatrician.
Beginning in 2003, Hillcrest will contract for appropriate outside consultation for the minimally biannual review of the Pediatrician.

2. The Psychiatrists are reviewed by a licensed and certified consulting psychiatrists at least every 2 years.

3. The Psychologist is reviewed at least every two years by a licensed and certified Psychologist.

Note: In January 2002, when Hillcrest was reviewing Privileging and Peer Review, the Standards Clarification Unit of the Joint Commission confirmed that it is acceptable for non-privileged supervisees of the same discipline to participate in a peer review of their privileged supervisor’s professional competence in their shared discipline.