Students at HEC under the age of 22 follow the requirements for psychological testing as outlined in P.L. 94-142.

The psychological evaluation of the student includes an assessment of all areas related to the suspected disability including, where appropriate, a measure of intelligence (Wechsler Scales, Binet or other valid measure), visual motor abilities, social and emotional status, adaptive behavior functioning (reflecting social behaviors and self-care), academic achievement testing, and other areas as recommended by the Team (e.g., achievement, medical, speech, etc.).

Assessment instruments are administered by those persons trained ,certified, or licensed for their specific test. The tests are non-biased and administered in the student’s native language. Such tests are used to determine the student’s present aptitude, achievement and adaptive behavior. No single test shall be used to determine placement decisions. The results of all evaluations are presented to the Team and used in determining appropriate goals.

Most often, requests for assessment are made by the LEA or other agencies to meet their requirements. Massachusetts DESE states:

“ Each school committee shall provide a re-evaluation for the child when such re-evaluation is due. The school committee shall no less than every three years provide a re-evaluation of each child who has been placed in special education program.”

In addition to psychological evaluations, other forms of assessment take place at HEC. All disciplines (education, vocational and clinical) administer appropriate informal assessment when a student enters the program. In addition, formal assessments may be requested (physical, occupational or speech therapy, medical and nursing, cognitive, academic achievement etc.) Assessment for these areas may be requested by HEC staff, LEA, or family or social services at any time to help design an appropriate program. In such cases parental consent is required before formal standardized assessments can be administered.