All Hillcrest work sites are small enough that almost all employees know one another. New or temporary employees are introduced to the community in brief information meetings, “Stand Ups”, which are conducted at the beginning of each shift.

All Hillcrest employees are required to wear HEC-standard photo identification at all times while working. Hillcrest maintains a database containing photos of all employees.

Visitors to any Hillcrest program site are required to sign in at the Reception area and to wear a Visitor’s Badge while on campus. All Hillcrest employees are trained to greet, confront and/or report any person who is not wearing a visitor badge and who is unknown to them or their coworkers. On residential campuses direct care supervisors make periodic sweeps of the campus during each shift, including a walk-through of each building on the campus during the overnight shift, providing additional security monitoring. Finally, student dormitories on residential campuses are monitored through the use of video camera, monitoring and taping equipment.