Hillcrest utilizes video recording equipment as a safety measure for students and staff, and as a tool to help improve program and staff performance. Therefore it is critical that the equipment be functioning properly at all times.
In order to ensure that the equipment is functioning properly, all HEC video recording equipment will be manually checked daily using the following procedures.
The Program Director is responsible for ensuring that the checks are being done daily and correctly.

A. This procedure will be done daily to ensure that the equipment is working properly.

B. In the campus log book the Overnight Supervisor will document that this process was done daily.
The Overnight Supervisor will also record in this on the overnight supervisor checklist any and all instances of recorders not working or cameras being out and the details of notifications that were made about the malfunction (i.e., who was notified; how they were notified; date and time of the notification; any other relevant details).

C. Each day, prior to the start of the shift or as early as possible during the shift, the Overnight Supervisor will check the video recorders by performing the following steps:
1. Log into the CCTV program.
2. Select live view option
3. Select a recorder on campus to bring up all camera views(At this time the Supervisor can see if any cameras are not working properly.)
4. Select Playback option and wait for the screen to appear.
5. Select a camera on the chosen device.
6. In the Start Time and End Time windows select a timeframe from the previous day.

7. Click on “Search”

  1. In the “Result” section, in the SN column, you should see a box and the number 1.
  2. In the Start Time window you should see the year-month-day and military time.
  3.  In the End Time window you should see the year-month-day and military time.
    This outcome tells you that there is data recorded in between the time frame selected, and verifies that the recorder is working.
    If you do not get the specified information in the selected review window the recorder has not been working during that time period.
  4. Repeat this process until you have checked all the recorders on your campus.
  5. If any recorders or any cameras are not working, e-mail David Luckadoo immediately.