Program Handbooks

At intake to the assigned campus, the individual served and their parent or guardian will receive a copy of their program’s handbook.  The handbook covers the procedures related to the specific campus and needs of the population.  If at this time the individual served is disoriented or lacks capacity to understand their rights, he or she will be issued and informed again when he or she is able to understand the materials and information.

Pets On Sites Policy

Pets on Campus

It is Hillcrest’s policy to provide a safe and healthy environment for our students, employees and visitors. In accordance with this, pets are prohibited from all Hillcrest program sites with the exception of licensed/registered service and/or therapy animals.

Service Animals” refers to animals (primarily dogs) used to guide or provide assistance to persons with disabilities in the activities of independent living. The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) defines service animals as any animal individually trained to do work or perform tasks for the benefit of an individual with a disability. If an animal meets this broad definition, it is considered a service animal.

Applying The Policy
This policy provides for the health and safety of students, employees and visitors by restricting animals at our programs/campuses as follows:

  • Unauthorized animals are not permitted at any program/campus site, including the parking lots and grounds.
  • Employees and visitors are reminded that bringing a pet and leaving them in a car is neither appropriate, nor safe and is prohibited.
  • In order to accommodate individuals with disabilities, service animals are permitted to assist the individual who is disabled.
  • All individuals including staff and students are reminded not to touch, feed or pet a service or therapy animal when the animal is working as it potentially distracts the animal from the task at hand.
  • It is the animal owner’s responsibility to ensure that animals are promptly cleaned up after.


Hillcrest Educational Centers will periodically search students for contraband such as weapons, lighters, drugs or pornography. There are three types of searches utilized. The procedures and the circumstances under which they would be implemented are described below.

Treatment Planning
Search plans are individualized according to clinical risk assessment and recommendations of the treatment team. They are continuously modified according to treatment progress and reassessed risk levels as determined by the treatment team. The following guidelines are to be utilized when developing and implementing a search plan:

  1. Search plans will be included as part of the youth’s treatment plan and will be referenced in the youth’s ICMP or Behavior Support Plan.
  2. Search plans must include the specific skill development and goal achievement that will result in the reduction/elimination of searches.
  3. Search plans will be reviewed at length with the youth so that he/she fully understands how and why they are conducted, and how they become reduced and/or eliminated. If a student has severely limited communication skills the search plan will be reviewed with the parent or guardian focusing on the need for safety and the alternative skills that are being taught to minimize risk to student and staff.
  4. Expressions of any nature for the discomfort regarding searches must be forwarded to the student’s clinician and the shift supervisor for review and response.
  5. Safety plans must include clear descriptions related to frequency of the searches. If searches are identified to occur per shift, it is important to note that searches do not need to occur on the overnight shift and a youth should never be woken up early to complete a search.

Full Search
The room where the search is conducted must first be examined by staff to ensure that there is no pre-existing contraband or damage. Wastebaskets must be removed. Once the room check is completed, the student receives a robe and enters the room and removes all of their clothes with the exception of undergarments (bras and underwear). The student then passes out their clothes, which are searched. The student comes out of the room in the robe and the room is searched. The student is then allowed back in the room to put on their clothes. When occurring after a visit or trip, searches must be done prior to returning student to team. When coming from an off-campus unsupervised trip students must be checked with the metal-detector wand. These searches need to be logged by a supervisor.

Full Searches are for:
1. Students on High-Risk Behavior Search Lists. Students are placed on the list for unsafe behavior including fire-setting, self-harm, etc. Students on list are searched at random times at a frequency determined by the treatment team.

  1. Students returning from an unsupervised home visit. To be conducted by person transporting student. If no transport, then to be conducted by primary staff or supervisor.
  2. Students returning from any off campus trip with parents/guardians, etc. To be conducted by primary staff or supervisor.
    4. Students that have an on-campus unsupervised visit with family member. (Until deemed unnecessary by treatment team and approved by an administrator.)
  3. New Students. Students will be on full-search protocol until cleared by a campus administrator and noted in the ICMP. New students will be searched minimally three times a week – once on each shift (day shift and the two residential shifts).

Due to the low cognitive level of many of the students in the ASD Program searches of these students will not be conducted at admission unless the student enters the program with a specific history of possession of contraband that has posed a risk in the past.

** All students must have their personal belongings searched immediately upon return to campus. Cloth items that can be heated will be placed in a dryer for a sufficient period of time. Please record on appropriate log.

Quick Search
Students are required to pull off their shoes, pull out their pockets and/or have pockets patted by same-gender staff, pull up pant legs and reveal waistbands for inspection by staff. Metal detecting devices are also used during a quick search.

Quick Searches are for:
1. Students returning from a Hillcrest-staffed event or activity: To be conducted whenever possible by person transporting student.
2. After an on campus supervised visit with family member. To be conducted by primary staff or supervisor.

  1. All students entering an HEC day program building.

** All students must have their personal belongings searched immediately upon return to campus. Please record on appropriate log.

Room / Dorm searches
1. Bedroom searches should occur at least once per week on each shift (excluding overnights). This can be increased if there is suspected contraband.

Bedrooms: Dressers, closets, footlockers, toy boxes, bed linens, and mattresses are to be emptied and/or removed, searched, and replaced. Ceiling tiles are to be removed and ceilings searched. Heating and cooling vents need to be checked.

  1. Searches of the following public areas will be conducted by night staff once per night. This can be increased if there is suspected contraband.

Common areas: Bookcases, toy boxes, hutches, and furniture cushions emptied / removed, searched, and replaced. Ceiling tiles are to be removed and ceilings searched. Heating / cooling vents need to be checked.
Bathrooms: Toilets under bowl and tank lids, in back of sinks, showers, paper towel dispensers etc. Ceiling tiles are to be removed and ceilings searched. Heating / cooling vents need to be checked.
Laundry areas: In and behind dryers and washers. Ceiling tiles are to be removed and ceilings searched. Heating / cooling vents need to be checked.

Please Note: Suspicion of dangerous behavior or possession of contraband can result in a student search at any time, as approved by a campus administrator.


At all Hillcrest programs controlled medications are stored in a manner that prevents unauthorized access and diversion. Access to controlled substances is restricted to authorized personnel. In order to minimize the risk of diversion and enable timely identification of potential problems, Hillcrest maintains strict accountability of controlled substances. This is accomplished through the following procedures:


  • All controlled medications are stored in a locked container within the locked medication cart in the nursing station.
  • Access is strictly limited to nurses on duty.
  • A count of controlled substances will be conducted daily by two authorized staff, one serving as a witness to the count.
  • Other controlled medications such as stimulants are included in the controlled and counted medications effective at all campuses by November 1, 2019.
  • Medication count will take place as soon as possible after the morning med pass is completed and checked by the evening nurse if they are unable to count together for any discrepancies.  ASD count at the school can be done with the HA nurse daily Monday-Friday when there is school in session.
  • If an error in count or signature occurs, draw one line through the error, write “error” and initial. Do not change any previously recorded documentation.
  • If a discrepancy is noted the Head Nurse and Nursing Director will be notified immediately
  • The Head Nurse on each campus will review the Controlled Substance Record on a weekly basis. They will initial the date reviewed.
  • All controlled substances to be destroyed will be destroyed by two nurses according to HEC policy when the order is discontinued or the patient no longer utilizes the medication (e.g., pain medication for specific issue).


  • When there are two nurses on duty :
    1. One nurse will conduct an inventory of all controlled medications on site.
    2. The second nurse will witness and verify the inventory count.
    3. The inventory count will be recorded on the agency’s Controlled Substance Record , which will be dated and signed by both nurses.
    4. The daily inventory count is reconciled with the previous day’s count and usage using the Controlled Substance Record form.


  • When there is only one nurse on duty:
    1. The nurse on duty will conduct an inventory of all controlled medications on site.
    2. An authorized supervisory staff member who holds current medication certification (i.e., Supervisor or Assistant Supervisor) will witness and verify the inventory count. The authorized supervisory staff member will have no direct access to or contact with the controlled medications. He/she will only witness and verify the inventory count.
    3. The inventory count will be recorded on the agency’s Controlled Substance Record, which will be dated and signed by both the nurse and the authorized supervisory staff.
    4. The daily inventory count is reconciled with the previous day’s count and usage using the Controlled Substance Record form.


Commonly used controlled substances which need to be accounted for:

Alpraazolam – Xanax

Clonazapam- Klonopin


Diazepam- Valium

Hydrocodone- Lortab-Vicodin

Lorazepam-  Ativan

Oxycodone- Percocet

All Stimulants including but not limited to:





