Student Returning from Unplanned Leave


Overview:   There are circumstances in which a student may leave the program in an unplanned manner such as running away, refusing to return from home or an off-campus trip, or being hospitalized. This creates key issues that require attending to, in order to ensure a safe and smooth transition back into the program.  This policy provides steps to be taken by the program in such circumstances.  Upon administrator determination that a youth is returning to the program after an unplanned leave, the campus administrative team will be notified. The campus administrative team is responsible for ensuring proper steps are taken in each of their respective departments. 


  1. Determining if this is an unplanned leave
  1. When a student leaves the program in an unplanned manner, the program administrator on duty/on call will notify the executive on call and discuss the specifics of the leave. They will determine whether this situation meets the criteria for an unplanned leave (ex. Do we know where the student is? have we been in contact with them? how long have they been gone? etc)
  2. If it is determined that the leave meets criteria for an unplanned leave this policy will be implemented. 
  1. Program Administrator Response
    1. Whenever a student returns from an unplanned leave, the program administrator on duty must be notified immediately. They will report to campus if the leave occurs after hours and conduct an assessment of the youth including obtaining details of their time away and what activities they engaged in to assess further safety planning needs.  Additionally they will be responsible for coordinating any additional staffing that is needed or potential transportation needs. 
    2. If this leave occurs after hours, the program administrator on call, in coordination with the executive on call, will determine whether an immediate clinical and/or nursing response is required or will be done at the start of the next regular business day. 
    3. The program administrator on duty/call will notify campus department heads or on-call designees of the youth’s return if it occurs after hours and what assessments are needed and when. 


  1. Planning for the return of the youth
  1. The youth will be placed on Individualized Programming (IP), and a comprehensive IP plan will be developed ,utilizing IP policy & procedure.  The youth will be provided with the opportunity to review this plan immediately upon return to campus.
  2. If staffing is required beyond the campus’s staffing ratio for an extended period of time, the campus administrative team may pursue additional funding with the primary funding agency during regular business hours. .

4) Medical Assessment of the youth

  1. Whenever possible prior to the youth’s return, nursing staff will notify the psychiatrist of the planned return and will obtain orders regarding any medication issues or lab work required.  For day students, the nursing department will determine if there is need for any medical information or assessments before returning to the program.
  2. Within 2 hours of arriving back on campus during regular business hours, the youth will receive a nursing assessment, including body check,  to assess safety and well-being.  If the youth was not under the supervision of an approved caregiver or designated treatment provider, nursing staff will complete assessment per HEC substance abuse policy and will provide consult or referral for requested or recommended services related to general and sexual health.
  1. If returning outside of regularly scheduled nursing hours, the on-call nursing procedure may be utilized to complete these steps. 

5) Clinical Assessment of the youth

  1. Within 2 hours of arriving back on campus during regular business hours, the clinician will complete a mental status exam and risk assessment with the youth.  If circumstances indicate, an assessment for sex trafficking will also be completed.  Assessment findings will be communicated with the treatment team, administrators on duty and /or administrators on call.
  2. If presenting with any risk for self-harm, fire setting, or sexual behaviors, the clinician will consult with the campus clinical administrator and campus administrator in order to complete the appropriate safety plan with the youth.  Any safety plans will be communicated with the treatment team, administrators on duty and /or administrators on call, including SMT Department Heads. 
  3. If returning in the evening or the weekend, the clinical on-call procedure may be utilized to complete these steps.


6) Preparing the youth’s peers

  1. The campus administrators will determine and implement appropriate steps for providing information about the youth’s return.  The determination about what and how information will be provided will be based upon preserving the youth’s privacy and dignity as well as ensuring the emotional wellbeing of the other youth.


7) Notifications and Collaboration with Family, Caregivers, and Treatment Stakeholders

  1. Campus administrators will ensure that all proper notifications are made within timelines designated by various funding agencies and state/licensing regulations.  
  2. Care will be given to ensure that the input of family, caregivers, and treatment stakeholders are included in the interventions provided to the youth.


8) Treatment Team Responsibilities 

  1. A determination will be made by campus administrators within 24 hours of the student’s return, as to whether a special team meeting is required.
  2. If a special team meeting is not required, treatment planning for the youth must take precedence as an agenda item for the next team meeting.  The clinician and administer representatives for the team meeting will be responsible for ensuring that this discussion occurs.


9) Reassessment and Reintegration Plan

  1. The IP policy for reassessment will be utilized while the student is placed on IP.  This includes the requirement that every 24 hours, under the direction of the campus administrator, the treatment team must conduct any needed assessments to determine safety and readiness for reintegrating into any parts of the program that student had not yet been safe to participate in.  
  2. Every effort must be made to engage the student in interventions designed to stabilize the student and help them to return to baseline with the goal of re-integration as soon as it is safely possible.
  3. When a student’s safety calls for a gradual reintegration from IP, the steps of the plan must be included in the IP plan.  The treatment team must make every effort possible to include the student in the discussion and planning for these steps.  The steps need to be clear and in student-friendly language.