There are some objects that, although not dangerous, may not be appropriate in the possession of students. Some objects may not be good for treatment purposes. Each program within the HEC system may seek to prevent students from keeping such objects on their person or in their dorm. The campus may need to do searches to prevent theft on the part of students. To accomplish prevention, the campus administration may permit staff to search a dorm area or to search a particular student. Administration should be working in conjunction with treatment teams to optimize treatment benefits of searches. The following guidelines must be followed:
A. The administrator on duty must give permission for any searches.
B. Upon permission, the shift Supervisor will direct staff in the search.
C. Staff must take care to search students and their areas in a respectful manner. Belongings should be respected and replaced in at least as good a condition as staff found them.
D. Any items removed must be itemized, documented and stored in a secure area or packaged and shipped to the student’s home. Staff should communicate to students what objects are at issue and why they are not permitted.
E. In each step of the procedure care must be given to ensure that reasons for searches are based on treatment needs and not done in a punitive manner.