In the event that an emergency occurs while off grounds with students, staff shall notify the campus of the emergency. The administrator on duty will instruct the staff on procedures to follow, depending on the nature of the emergency. The campus will provide any immediate assistance needed to remedy the situation.

A. All off-campus trips must minimally carry the following items:
1) a cellular phone in the transporting vehicle.
2) a First Aid Kit to be kept with the group at all times.

B. All off-campus trips must be staffed with a person with Red Cross certification in First Aid and CPR.

C. All participants on the trip must be informed of their responsibility in case of an emergency.

D. Steps to be followed in the event of an injury:
1) The First aid/CPR-certified facilitator will take immediate charge of the situation.
2) Administer necessary first aid; protect injured from further injury.
3) Determine extent of injury and if an evacuation is necessary.
4) If an evacuation is necessary and the victim is able to move safely without injury, take victim to the nearest evacuation point where help can be reached, or to the Hillcrest van and transport to the nearest hospital.
a) Notify the campus Nurse prior to departing for the hospital, or while on the way to the hospital.
5) If an evacuation is necessary but the victim is unable to move safely without injury, have one or two staff members (depending on the location, general conditions and condition of the student) go to the nearest phone to call for help, while the First Aid/CPR-certified facilitator stays back with the injured person.
a) Staff making the call should be able to provide:
Name of victim
Present condition
Any current medications student is taking
Any allergies
Location (access to location)
Insurance coverage
6) Notify the campus Nurse as soon as is reasonably possible.