Functional Responsibility: Human Resources

Topic: Acquiring and maintaining professional credentials required for each staff’s current position.

Policy: It is the policy of Hillcrest Educational Centers, Inc. to maintain a highly qualified professional staff in all positions. For those positions where it has been determined that the duties of a position require professional licensure or certification, Hillcrest will establish the type and level of licensure needed. Hillcrest will employ staff for professional positions who meet the required license/certification levels, or who will be able to acquire appropriate credentials in a reasonable time frame that is defined and mutually agreed upon in a detailed plan of professional development. The interim status and functions of the non-licensed professional staff will be consistent with his/her profession’s guidelines and the regulations and standards of oversight and licensing agencies.

Purpose: Hillcrest Educational Centers, Inc is committed to the maintaining and recruiting quality and appropriately credentialed staff. This is important to ensure that professional services are being provided by appropriately qualified and credentialed staff, and it is required by our oversight and licensing agencies.

I. Overview of Process:
A. Define and clarify the appropriate professional credentials for each position.
1. Department Head for each department shall review all professional positions within his/her department and confirm that current designated license level and type is appropriate and consistent with agency needs, the duties, responsibilities and autonomy of the position, and established professional standards and relevant regulations.
2. Where license level or type is viewed as inadequate or inappropriate, the Department Head will initiate communications with the respective Program Director and the Director of Human Resources to confirm or revise required credential(s).
B. In each situation where there is a discrepancy between position’s duties/license requirements, resolve the discrepancy by:
1. Establishing a professional development plan to bring the current staff member into compliance with professional standards for the position, or
2. Redefine the position to not require professional licensure by realigning the duties and status and/or increasing or establishing an enhanced supervision structure. Either modification must be determined to be in the best interest or the agency from a service delivery and a cost benefit perspective. Further, any alteration will be within the relevant professional standards and regulations governing the particular practice or function.
C. Changes in license status or position requirements
1. In the event that a staff member’s license status changes for any reason while she/he is in a position that requires that professional license, she/he shall immediately report that change to his/her supervisor who in turn will notify the relevant Program Director and Department Head.
2. Upon realization of the lapse in license the responsible Department Head and Program Director may, at their option and if feasible, temporarily realign the professional duties and/or establish an enhanced supervision structure that provides for a continuum of service provision. Within 30 days of the change in license status, a longer range resolution shall be established in keeping with section “B” paragraph “2”.
D. In the event that it is not possible or reasonable to reconcile the position responsibilities with the individual staff credentials, Hillcrest will endeavor to transfer the affected staff member to another position that is a better match for the staff member.