The case record for a student who has been discharged from HEC is stored at the program site for 6 months following the student’s discharge.
The procedures for archiving closed student records are as follows.
• Pull Ed Records (put in manila folder marked “Ed Records” with student’s name on it). Pull CD Rom information – most recent face sheet, most recent psychosocial, immunization record, discharge summary (put in manila folder marked “CD Rom” with student’s name on it). These records will be kept permanently and should be put in a box with other students’ Ed and CD Rom records for archiving. When you have a full box, label accordingly, add to your lists and send to the archive.
• All the rest of the student’s file should be placed in another box. Please put file in manila folders and put the student’s name and discharge date on the side so you can see it when you place the folders in the box. Once you have a full box of files, label accordingly, add to your lists and send to the archive. These files may be destroyed seven (7) years from the date of the most recent student’s discharge date (i.e., if you have four files in a box and discharge dates are 1/00, 2/00, 3/00, 4/00 – the destroy date will be 5/07).
• Send your updated lists to the designated person in Admissions at AO. All campus lists must be in the same format (as per attached – alphabetical list and box list)
Once a month you will receive a Data Storage Warehouse Inventory Report from The Archive. Please review the report for accuracy. If you have any discrepancies, please call The Archive (442-4472) and ask them to fix the error (check your box number, contents, and destroy date).
You may also send other records to be archived – Supes Logs, Travel/Trip Slips, etc. These should also be recorded by campus as “other” files – please do not include with student files (see attached example). This information may be destroyed using the seven (7) year rule as above.
Reference: JC Standard IM.6.10
“The organization has a complete and accurate clinical/case record for every individual assessed, cared for, treated, or served.”
EP 14.
“The retention time of clinical/case record information is determined by the organization
based on law and regulation, and on its use for client care, treatment, and services; legal,
research, and operational purposes; as well as educational activities.”