Waiting List Policy & Procedure

Introduction & Policy Statement:

Hillcrest Educational Centers manages client waiting lists in order to ensure that clients who have been referred to and accepted for a Hillcrest program are admitted in a systematic, fair and equitable manner.

The following procedures are utilized to manage the waiting lists for the Hillcrest residential treatment programs, the Brookside Intensive Treatment Unit, and the Housatonic Academy. Waiting lists are maintained separately for each respective program.

The only clients placed on waiting lists for these programs are those clients who have been assessed and accepted for admission, with no documentation or information required for referral to the HEC program still pending.


The waiting list procedures for these residential and nonresidential treatment and education programs are the same.

In the event that a referred client has been accepted for admission but there are currently no appropriate openings in the program for that client, the client is placed on a waiting list for that program. Clients on a program’s waiting list are considered for admission on a chronological, “first accepted, first admitted” basis. The basis for the chronological list is the date of the client’s acceptance (rather than on the date of the referral).

Additionally, as openings in that program occur, the program considers additional factors that impact program operations, program space allocation, and student group constituency and balance. These factors, which may vary by program, include but are not limited to: the referred student’s age, gender, grade and academic functioning level, clinical and behavioral history and profile.

If for any reason the “first accepted” client is not available for admission to the program within a reasonable period of time, the next client on the waiting list will be considered for admission.

If HEC is notified that the client has been placed or admitted elsewhere, or that the client does not require Hillcrest services for any other reason, the client’s name is removed from the waiting list for that HEC program.