All inquiries from the press and other media sources, as well as confirmation of statements, must be directed to the President/CEO or the Vice President, who will handle these matters.
Solicitation and distribution of literature by staff for outside organizations or products is not allowed during “working time” which is the portion of the workday during which staff are supposed to be performing actual job duties. It does not include meal or authorized break periods. Staff may not disturb working staff nor will solicitation/distribution of literature be permitted at any time, including working and non-working time, in working areas.
Solicitation and distribution of literature by non-employees on HEC property or within the confines of HEC premises is strictly prohibited.
The sole exceptions to this policy are charitable and community activities supported by HEC
management and Company-sponsored programs related to HEC programs and services.
Staff who wish to offer products for sale, (example: candy bars for their child’s organization, or homemade crafts) should notify the Program Director prior to offering the products for sale. The purpose of this notification is to ensure that the employee understands where and how they can offer the products and ensure that work is not negatively affected.
Employees should not engage in behaviors or activities on agency property that are considered illegal, unethical or are otherwise prohibited by HEC policies. Employees should not perform actions in the community that reflect adversely on the reputation of HEC, its students or employees.
While HEC encourages its employees to pursue their own political ideologies in their private lives, good counseling technique dictates that political beliefs and ideologies be kept out of the work place. Therefore, it is strictly prohibited for an employee to proselytize his/her personal political beliefs at
an HEC work site, or with HEC students. This prohibition includes verbal, written and other outward displays of political convictions while on duty.
Similarly, employees are prohibited from representing their own political views as those of HEC, or from presenting themselves as representatives of HEC when discussing their personal political views in public.
The CEO may grant limited permission for such activities if in areas directly relating to client services.
HEC is a non-sectarian, non-denominational organization and as such, subscribes to no specific set of religious beliefs or theologies. HEC vigorously supports the right of its students to pursue their individually chosen religious beliefs and practices, free from undue influence or proselytizing by agency employees. While HEC wishes in no way to interfere with the religious beliefs of its
employees, it does require that employees neither encourage nor discourage any particular religion or set of religious beliefs and that employees make concerted efforts to accommodate students who have expressed a desire to practice a particular religion in such areas as assistance with transportation to worship, special diets, etc.
Establishing and maintaining good relations in the communities surrounding our facilities, and in the community as a whole, are ongoing challenges for HEC and its employees and are important ingredients in the growth of our students. Employees are representatives of HEC and its’ students and are expected to conduct themselves in a manner that will reflect positively and enhance the
community image of themselves, their students, and the organization.
Bulletin Boards are for HEC use only, and are one way we pass important information on to you. Among the items that are posted are Post Time, and federal and state mandated postings about your rights. Removal of posted material will be cause for discipline. HEC offers the “Community Bulletin Board” located on HECNet, that staff may use to post notices for personal items for sale, social or cultural activities, and community events. All submissions will be reviewed for appropriateness prior to being placed on the CBB.
Anyone found to be trying to submit or post offensive material will be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination.
Because of safety, health and liability considerations, employees are cautioned not to bring their children to HEC work sites at any time. Should an employee need to stop by a work site for a brief period of time, children should never be left alone in a vehicle or left unattended at a work site.
Pets are not part of the therapeutic milieu at HEC. Therefore, pets are prohibited from HEC work sites at any time. Pets should not be left in vehicles or otherwise unattended when staff need to briefly visit their work site during non-work time.