To protect Students/Personnel from infection.
• Lined waste basket in room.
• Disposable gowns and gloves – one (1) use only.
• Goggles – retained by person using
Found: Area designed by each Department
A. Gown:
1. Remove rings (if they could rip gloves), remove or move watch up arm.
2. Lap gown over at back to cover uniform and tie securely.
3. To remove, untie gown at waist
4. Remove gloves
5. Wash hands. If wearing goggles, remove at this time.
6. Unite gown at neck.
7. Remove gown by grasping either sleeve and pulling away from self. Roll outside to inside, discard in lined waste basket.
B. Goggles
1. Don goggles .
NOTE: Goggles may be reused by washing with soap and water and drying.
C. Gloves
1. Don gloves making sure cuff of gown is covered. To avoid contamination of arm and clothing.
2. Remove gloves by grasping cuff and inverting inside out. Discard in lined waste basket. Remove first.
NOTE: Gloves are put on LAST and removed FIRST.
NOTE: If the person taking care of the patient with an infection comes into direct contact with patient secretions/excretions causing gross contamination of gloves, gloves are to be changed BEFORE touching or contaminating other articles/areas of the room.
Unless there is gross contamination on gloves, gown – may be discarded in regular lined waste basket.