The Research Review Committee: Any research project involving HEC students which is proposed either by an employee of HEC or by an outside investigator, including interns and field placement students, must be submitted with adequate advance time to the multidisciplinary Research Review Committee, which is a subcommittee of the Human Rights Committee. The Research Review Committee will review all proposed research projects in relation to:
1) HEC’s mission statement
2) relevant HEC guidelines
3) the proposed project’s value for HEC students, the agency and the field
4) the proposed project’s potential, relative risks and benefits to the participating students
5) the acquisition of adequate and informed consent by the participating students, the students’ parents and guardians, the students’ placing agencies.
Minutes will be kept for all meetings of the Research Review Committee, and the Research Review Committee will make recommendations to the administration of HEC in writing regarding the support or denial of the proposed research project. The final decision on any proposed research project will be made by the administration of HEC. (See H. regarding treatment team involvement.)
- The proposed research must reasonably pose no apparent risk to any participating student and must offer a high likelihood of direct benefit to him/her. The research should relate directly to the etiology, pathogenesis, prevention, diagnosis or treatment of the student and should only seek information that cannot be obtained from other types of subjects.
- All investigators must adhere to professional standards concerning the conduct of such research and must comply with the regulations of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, as well any and all applicable laws and regulations concerning the protection of human rights.
- Written consent from the parent or guardian of any HEC student must be obtained prior to the student’s engagement in any activities unrelated to his/her service plan and/or normal program and treatment activities. If the student is over fourteen years of age, the student’s permission must also be obtained.
- Before students are asked to give their consent for participation, they will be provided with full explanations of: The potential benefits, the possible discomforts and risks associated with participating in the research, any services associated with the research which might benefit them, the research procedures which would be followed, and their right not to participate in the project without loss of access to services they normally receive.
The fact that students are briefed on the project and on all the above information, will be documented, including the name of the person who briefed the students, with the person’s signature, title and date of the briefing. The documentation will also clearly state the students’ rights to privacy, confidentiality, and safety.
Research projects at HEC that utilize students as the research subjects will be limited to the collecting of aggregate data, which does not specifically identify any student. This type of research does not require prior authorization by students, parents/guardians or the placing agency.
Should the research involve any form of treatment, it will follow the limitations and guidelines outlined in the behavior management policies and all other HEC policies and procedures.
Prior to implementation of any research which involves treatment, the following shall be ensured:
1). The treatment teams for any participating students will review and must authorize the proposed research. However, final authorization remains the responsibility and discretion of the administration of HEC.
2) If HEC direct care staff are to participate in the implementation of the research project, one staff member, usually a Clinician, will be identified and made responsible for orienting and training staff to administer the treatment or any other associated protocol.
Observations: Without specific written consent of the affected student’s parents or guardians, HEC does not permit the observation of children in the program by persons other than the parents of current or prospective students, staff, volunteers, special guests, student teachers, interns (when applicable), authorized staff of the public school who are responsible for children in placement, and authorized state and federal monitoring personnel.