All residential campus supervisors are trained in the use and safety for Hillcrest’s power generators, which are arranged to provide power to essential areas and equipment on each campus.
In the event of a power failure lasting more than 15 minutes that disrupts hard-wired fire/smoke detection equipment, Berkshire Communicators, the contracted fire notification company, and the local fire department are notified. At residential campuses, if a power failure disrupts hard-wired fire/smoke detection equipment for one (1) continuous hour, a fire watch is provided for each occupied building and maintained until power and the detection systems are restored. (See the Fire Safety Management Plan for details on Fire Watch Procedures.) The on-call Senior Manager is notified.
In the event that a malfunctioning utility system has to be shut down, Hillcrest will conduct shut down and repair procedures in a safe manner, with as much planning as possible, so as to cause the least disruption possible to program, and to student routines and comfort.
Whenever possible, Hillcrest Maintenance staff perform repair services. In the event that Hillcrest staff cannot repair the utility system, the appropriate outside contractor is contacted.
In the event of utilities issues/problems, non-residential Hillcrest sites, including Housatonic Academy and Hillcrest Psychological Services, will take appropriate measures consistent with their service functions ( e.g., transport students home; cancel appointments; suspend operations).